Monday, April 28, 2014


There will be no before and after photos - that is how bad our garden looked after the winter. Full of weeds. Weeding. That is how yesterday was spent. Kudoz to hubby for spending literally all day making the garden look MUCH nicer. And how happy am I that we did take our time to do it yesterday -today is nearly a completely different season. Chilly, rain. grey.

Got some new plants - I like the kind of plants, bushes etc. that survive the winter and require minimum work. Apart from magnolia and lavender I got plenty of seeds too - carrots, all kinds of herbs, chilli, tomatoes. Let´s hope my finger are greener than green this year.


And oh, once again we were in full swing with the Weber, but unfortunately I managaged to put the whole damn thing on fire. Geez, never thought chorizos could catch fire. So all you lovelies out there. Be careful putting those fire red sausages on the grill. I seriously thought the grill was about to blow up. Luckily had the fridge full of sausages so the black ones were quickly subsituted by new ones straight from the fridge.

1 comment:

Desiree said...

Ser fint ut. Ni har som sagt en fin trädgård. Hemma hos oss är det C som står för det mesta av odlingarna och som har de gröna fingrarna. Läskigt med chorizokorvarna. Gäller att passa dem noggrannt alltså om man slänger sådana på grillen.
Kram och trevlig helg.