Thursday, March 6, 2014


...from carnival. Imaging that huh! Can`t see another doughnut for a while Yep, doughnuts are traditional carnival snack.Had way too may this year.

One day after the official end and exactly one week after the official kick off - carnival is now over.

We went as cowboys, I have to remember to sort out more than one costume next year. The third time I had to put that western dress on and I was a tad fed up with it. Just a bit. Did I tell you that everyone dresses up? Yes. even at the supermarket. Everyone.
Emily went as Pippi to the carnival party at the kindergarten. She was Pippi and a cowgirl every second day.

On carnival Saturday we went to watch the parade in Bensberg. We were lucky -just as it was over it started raining. The Sunday turned out to be THE highlight, in Brück. A friend lives on the street where the parade starts and the weather turned out to be pretty gorgeous, nice and sunny. We ended up with about 5 bags full of sweets, flowers and soft toys. We gave our neighbours a bag each. Gave away more next day to friends. And brought some to work. After watching the third parade this year, our local one on Rosenmontag, we felt both tired and sore Tuesday morning. Dancing, catching sweets, being busy bees in general.

Here we have a bit of a photo bomb

Emily as Pippi - she had SO much fun

  Waiting for the parade in Bensberg to start

Olivia got to dress up too!

Last wagon with the "Dreigestirn" - the farmer, the virgin and the prince 


Caught all the soft toys (not the big white one). Emily gave each of them a kiss.
Plenty of sweets!

We are enjoying the parade in Brück

Our wagon with supplies; pretzels, beer, sparkling wine, Emily and also a pink horse:)

Below is the main street in our village. Waiting for the parade to start.


Desiree said...

Vad kul att få se dina bilder från karnevalen och få höra lite mer om hur det går till i era trakter. Här klär inte alla ut sig utan bara de som deltar i någon Clique och går i själv karnevalståget. Här pågår karnevalen endast i 3 dygn (tack o love). Sedan är de inte lika frikostiga med vad som delas ut. Det delas ut apelsiner, mimosa blommor och lite rosor och några få andra små saker men inte alls så här mycket godis eller leksaker. Dessto mer konfetti kastas dock. Vår karneval börjar som sagt natten till måndag här i Basel.

Jane said...

Tänk vad olika karnevalerna är! jag tror faktiskt att kanrevalen i Köln är en av de som firas "mest". Det är svårt att undvika här.