Monday, February 24, 2014

Never a dull moment

Just recovered after the whole family having the stomach bug. I got it twice. You hear me, TWICE! In one week. Yep. But now we are back on track again. Getting ready for KARNEVAL. More about that later this week. we live in THE karneval city. There is no escape.

I feel spring is getting closer. We now have blue skies, sun and around 13 C. Now I do believe that winter has skipped Cologne this year. It is not coming. I am happy and said. Happy because this is as cold as it gets, sad because I did stock up with lots of warm clothes, both for me and for the girls. Swedish kind of quality, know what I mean?

Evenings are all about House of Cards at the moment. First season was great. Second season even better. Kevin Spacey is simply outstanding. Robin Wright too. So happy we have found another great serie to watch. It was a bit empty for a while.

Other things we currently watch are Walking Dead, The Following, Justified. Series I haven`t made my mind up about yet (whether to watch them or not): Banshee, Chicago PD, couple of other new pilots I haven`t watched yet.

Have a lovely Monday.


Desiree said...

Åh nej era stackare som råkat ut för magsjuka IGEN. Fy så hemskt. Skönt att ni mår bättre nu och hoppas att ni inte drabbas något mer nu.
Så underbart väder det varit idag. Blir helt lycklig med vårkänslor i hela kroppen av en dag som denna. Tack för tips om bra serie. Jag söker en ny bra serie att kolla på. House of cards är alltså bra. Den ska jag ladda ner.
Kram och sköt om er.

Jane said...

Jaa du, nag har nog fått en dos av magsjuka så att det räcker livet ut nu, haha.

House of cards är suveränt! Du vet att du kan kolla på amerikanska netflix i Europa också om du har en smart tv?