What a year we have behind us. We moved back to Germany. Were homeless for the first time. Had our little super cute baby girl Olivia. I went back to work.
Until April, we were of course in the US. Super stressful time, not knowing where to live and then the whole move back to Germany. The last weeks were spent in style; going to all our favourite restaurants and trying to spend time with friends. We also went to Maui, HI for one week.
In June, we moved to Rondorf. A small village 15 minutes outside Cologne. I could never picture myself living in such a rural place before, now I think it is too busy:) Of course, Olivia was born in June, two weeks early. The circus of having two kids started....
In October, I went back to work. I haven´t quite landed yet but I´m getting there. Two years away, it is hard to get back into the routine again. Luckily, I love work.
December...it now feels real that we are back in Germany. I have settled a little bit more, but I miss US a lot still and not sure if I ever will like Germany enough to stay here again. So many things bugging me. We have kind of accepted we are back though, and luckily we both have jobs we like, and are unwilling to give them up and settle for less so we will hang around for a while.
We finally have figured out how to handle two children and somewhat have a life too. The girls are so much fun and I cannot wait to see how they will grow in 2014. Things will definitely be better in 2014 and I think we will have soooo much to look forward to.
So, here I am in my PJ, drinking coke to keep me awake for a few hours (I haven´t made it to midnight for years), perhaps I will even manage to watch half a movie! My xmas present to the family; a TV in the bedroom.
Happy new year!
Gott nytt år Jane och god fortsättning. Det har varit ett väldigt händelserikt år för er på många sätt. Olivia är naturligtvis det bästa med hela året förstår jag. Det är inte så lätt att flytta tillbaka alla gånger. Jag kan förstå lite hur ni känner. Det var så vi kände efter våra fyra år i USA då vi flyttade hem till Sverige. Så mycket som inte alls blev som vi tänkt oss. Men sedan vi flyttade till Schweiz så trivs vi båda väldigt bra. Det känns underbart. Vem vet, kanske får ni erbjudande om något bra jobb i USA framöver igen. Men det är toppen att ni båda trivs bra med era jobb som ni har nu. Sådant är viktigt.
Stor kram och god fortsättning
Hoppas ni har det toppen i Florida!
Jobbet gör mycket, det var det enda vi saknade i USA. Vi hoppas pü att framtiden ljusnar lite:)
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