Monday, December 16, 2013

Favourite Month

The month of December is definitely a favourite. I may not like the weather so much but it is acceptable since the whole month is full of Christmas! Christmas decorations, glögg/Glühwein get-togethers, advent calendars, baking, sweets, candles...All this make up for the cold outside.

We've been pretty busy too. Of course, it took me two days to put the Christmas decorations up. Big decisions had to be made; where does what go. After a few re-arrangements, everything now has its place. Baking, after a complete disaster with my ginger biscuits (pepparkakor) and putting the damn ginger house together, I picked anew direction; saffran butter cake, cookies..soft ginger cake. All very tasty.

Mum paid us a visit and brought nearly two kilos of Swedish sweets (lösgodis) and ice chocolate. Nearly all gone by now. I also found a new website and company who delivers Swedish products. I blew € 150 pretty fast, order Christmas ham and other goodies.

Emily turned two last week. We survived her first and last birthday party at home.No disasters but hectic. Nice, big chocolate cake. Emily dissed her dad for the first time, in favor of her nanny. 99% of the pics taken are of Emily with A. Not with mum or dad.

It is going to be a heavy December. Heavy in the meaning of gaining weight. I have such a sweet tooth at the moment, I have no idea how to get rid of it. I seem to be chewing on something constantly. The whole house is full of chocolates.

Little Olivia is now on solids. Wow, so this is what it's like when babies like food. Never thought such a little person could eat so much! Emily is so picky, she seems to survive on air and then this little one comes and has a huge appetite. So nice! I thought the sleeping pattern of waking up every 3 ours would sort itself out now but obviously it is not the case. I still find myself being in the bubble of always being tired. Hopefully it will pop soon!

                                                            Christmas tree is a MUST!

                                     If she continues to eat this much she´ll catch up big sister

                                                           LOVE the Christmas markets!


Desiree said...

Du har pyntat så himla fint. Det ser så mysigt och vackert ut. Vilken fin gran ni har. Stort grattis till E som fyllde 2. Hon ser så söt ut. Gillar hennes klänning, den är supersöt.
Ja december är en härlig månad med mycket kalas, ljus, mysiga julmarknader, glögg och annat. Men en farlig månad då det gäller alla godsaker som man konstant frestas av. Man får ta tag i det i januari och ta bort sötsakerna då. Mjuk pepparkaka bakade jag i helgen som blev sååå god! Jag hoppas ni får en riktigt fin och mysig jul på alla sätt. Blir det bara ni fyra eller får ni besökare?
Olivia är ju supersöt hon med. Kul att hon är glad i mat. Det är toppen.

Jane said...

tack, ääälskar julpynt! tror E klänning är från Sverige faktiskt.
vi blir kvar här över julen, har noll lust att resa:) så det blir två lata veckor. svärmor etc kommer dock på annandagen. kram