...and we´re home, sick! The first two days went really well - Emily refused to leave so we stayed longer than planned. So proud of her. On her first day she just walked in to the other 12 children, said hello and started playing with them. I had to carry her, kicking and screaming, out of the kindergarden back to the car on both days. Unfortunately we must have picked up a cold there...both girls and I are down with a cold. Boooh! I know we can expect to get sick more often, but hello, after two days?!
We are going back tomorrow again. The only thing I don´t like about it, is that many of the teachers are very young. I would have preferred if they had children of their own as well so they could relate. Emily e.g. is sometimes afraid of men. Now one of her teachers (there are 14 children in her group and 4 teachers, two which are German, and two English native speakers) is a young guy. I have told the teachers repeatedly that she needs to approach him, not vice versa. They keep forgetting and she of course panics. Small things like that annoy me. So I guess I will continue to stay with her there until this problem has been solved. This coming Friday there is a "Summer party" (which most likely will take place in the rain...), it will be nice to meet some other parents there.
Kul att Emily trivs så bra. Det är ju toppen. Hon verkar ju väldigt socialt begåvad också och inte speciellt blyg vilket är super.
Trist att ni är förkylda hela gänget. Krya på er. Jag antar att det är klassiskt med de där första förkylningarna efter sommaren då alla barnen plötsligt sammlas i grupp inomhus. Har ni också fått det där kyliga och regninga höstvädret. Det slog till här i veckan. Känns skitkallt med 13 grader.Hoppas ni får trevligt på festen.
Roligt att du satt igång igen med din blogg. :) Kan tänka mig att det är stora omställningar och mycket att ta tag i med en så stor flytt.
Krya på er! Kram!
Desiree, jo, men trodde det skulle ta längre än 2 dagar att bli sjuka, sååå trist.
Ha en toppenvecka!
Anne-Marie, vad kul att du tittar in! Det har varit en väldigt jobbig sommar men börjar lugna ner sig nu. Hoppas allt har gått bra.
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